Happy Spring Equinox, aka ARIES territory and International Astrology Day! Actually, it’s tomorrow (March 20th) at exactly 11:16 am CT but lets chat about it now shall we? The Moon will be in luscious Taurus supported by Saturn and later Neptune. AND we have Mercury conjunct Venus- for an extra added dose of feel good energy. I’m actually loving this …
Feeling that Solar Eclipse yet? Hell yeah you are!
Image by Fredrik Akum
Rousing the Bull
Hey! Uranus – THE planet of unpredictability enters Taurus on May 16th 2018 until 2026. It actually dips back into Aries November 6th 2018 and returns again into Taurus in March 2019, but you get the idea. So Uranus wants freedom and independence and Taurus is MONEY. This folks, is going to be interesting. The last time Uranus was in …
Welcome to Astrology
The beauty of knowing Astrology is the way you can use it to help you every. damn. day. For instance, I ALWAYS pay attention to the Moon. Especially when it goes Void – which means it isn’t making any aspects to anything else in the sky. This can occur when we are asleep for only a few minutes, or last …